Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mr. McCain, I Am Not Laughing

North Pole Barbie (thank you, Midwest Diva!) is not making friends among the smart women I know and respect. She is perceived as a big, loud not very funny joke--at our expense. Who really believes that "if you put a skirt on it," the other moms will vote for it? Certainly not the quick-thinking, hard-working women I know.

So the sound-bite pitbull-with-lipstick's message* falls upon deaf ears around here. What about an agenda for women? What about equal rights and equal pay? What about insuring our children? Protecting their environment and their water? What about their education? And what about peace in the world so they don't have to be cannon fodder should another Bush come to power?  Oh, but wait. I forgot. There is another Bush running right now. John McCain, veteran and loyal American servant of the people, you should be ashamed.

*was there a message, by the way? 


Terry S said...


Hope you don't mind my checking out your blogger digs. I see you are getting it rolling.

As regards the Hon. Ms. Palin, I am rather astounded at the response she is getting. It seems that several million right wingers absolutely love her. I do wonder if she looked, say, more like Janet Reno, would she have the same number of adoring fans?

Upon first hearing Palin open her mouth, my wife, Jo said that she has a "beauty pageant voice." At the time she did not know that Palin had, in fact, been Miss Congeniality in the Miss Alaska contest. Jo has a good ear.

The Republicans are certainly energized which is a bit worrisome. Hopefully, Palin's glow will fade with the realization that she knows little or nothing about the wider world. It is revealing that the McCain people won't let the media near her. I suppose Governor Sarah is cramming for her geography final and writing her Government 101 mid-term paper.

I have a bit of a weight problem myself (A bit - that's a laugh.) I have to keep repeating the mantra "Gravy is NOT a beverage. Gravy is NOT a beverage...." It helps me get through the rough times, which is pretty much anytime I'm conscious.


the Tao of Teri said...

I'm thinking back about 44 years now. (Holy crap) Seems neither of us were especially streamlined back then...but it might be that we both had those round faces. How nice that the rest of us caught up.

Terry S said...

I like the way you think. I must say that "round" is an operative word when it comes to my, uh, what? My "personal image quotient." Yeah, that's the ticket!

Forty four years, huh? Yeah, "holy crap" fits.

I do know that certain words have rarely if ever been used in conjunction with any personal description; words like svelt, lanky, bean pole, all arms and legs (which I guess would imply that I am more torso?) No one ever mistook me for a long distance runner, or say, Michael Phelps, or for being quick like a bunny or agile. The terms just didn't apply.

I could go on ad nauseam, but I assume you get the point.

Stay well.