Monday, August 18, 2008

because she wanted me to

the Midwest Diva put me up to this, so if you don't like it, kindly blame her. On the other hand, if you DO happen to like it, we'll share the credit. Fair enough?

Let's talk hurricanes. Once again, silly south Florida is beset by a killer storm. This one is named Fay--kind of a lightweight name if you ask me.  Fay, if she really gets roaring, could be a category 1 by morning. In the interim, however, she is a big, blowsy tropical storm filling up our aquifers and Lake Okeechobee. The feeder bands--which are weirdly intense squalls--have started already. Of course, the thing that started yesterday is even more entertaining--the desperate hunt for fluids, especially bottled water. This happens every time. The giddy population rushes to every store and buys up every drop of water in a bottle. My question is...why?

1. It's going to rain for days. That's a lot of water. 
2. While some might lose power, few will lose water.
3. It's mighty expensive to flush with Perrier.

I would lose patience with my fellow south Floridians. Except they are infinitely entertaining.

ok. blog #1 is now history. And T, honey, it's all your fault. 

1 comment:

Terri said...

And it's about damn time. For cryin' out loud, you're a pro. It's the least you can do for your fellow readers!

Yay! I shall link you!